Common WordPress Security Issues

The most common WordPress security issues include unauthorized logins , malware issues, sql injection and DoS. Currently, WordPress is one of the most popular CMS but unfortunately, it is not as secure as its popularity. It comes up with basic security a feature, that’s why 80% of hacked CMS were powered by WordPress. According to the some survey, about 30,000 websites have been attacked by hackers daily.

In this article, I am sharing some of the most common security issues which you can face when using WordPress.

WordPress SQL Injection

If you look for what are common WordPress security issues then this is one of the oldest hacks which hackers use to get access to the MySQL database. Gaining access to MySQL means, the hacker can easily access the WordPress admin panel and change its credentials in no time. Generally, amateur hackers use this trick to test their hacking capabilities.

To solve this problem, you may use a strong plugin, such as All in One Security and Firewall., Sucuri, or WorldFence security. you can download a free version for any of these plugins from

Unauthorized WordPress Logins:

This is  a common way which all hackers use. it is also known as brute force attack. In this process, the hackers use the bot to quickly run through billions of usernames and passwords combination to get access to the WordPress admin panel. This is one of the timely processes for the hacker to get admin access and difficult to execute. WordPress does not block a user for multiple failed login attempts.

To prevent unauthorized login attempts or Brute Force attacks you need to create a very strong password,  limit the number of login attempts , or  use a plugin with a Two Factor Authentication feature.

WordPress Malware security

With the help of malicious code, the hacker tries to get access to the WordPress admin panel. This has been usually done through an infected WordPress theme or outdated plugin or a script etc. The Malware attack can cause serious damage if not been treated on time. You may even require to re=install WordPress.

To prevent Malware, you need to download themes only from trusted resources and ensure that your plugins are up to date. WP security plugins like WordFence and Sucuri run full scans to fix the malware.

WordPress DDoS or DoS attack

DoS (Distributed Denial of Service)  or DDoS is the enhanced version of popular DoS attack. In this WordPress security issue, the hackers make a large number of requests to the webserver. This makes the WordPress site slow, hence result in ultimately crashes. This attack has been executed via multiple servers around the world.

You can prevent DDoS attacks easily with the help of cloudflare which is a global network designed to make everything you connect to the Internet secure, private, fast, and reliable

Some Hosting providers such as Cloudways or a2hosting can also prevent DDoS . There servers are designed to  flag anything suspicious before its damages your website.


The above are the major WordPress security issues. However, there are some other issues  that can resolved by installing and  configuring a strong security plugin or by modifying htaccess.

For best WP security plugins, read this article:

what are the best WordPress security plugins?

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